Before now, I had chronic hemorrhoids (pile) for over 6 years,

At some point I couldn't sit due to anal pains and blood stains on my underwear. 

I tried lots of medications but nothing worked until I found and used this herbal powder called

Dr Adams Pile Zero 

This Amazing Herbal Powder is 100% effective and safe

You Just Have To Use For A Few Weeks...

...and Watch It Cure Any Internal Or External Hemorrhoids Like Magic... No Matter How Long You Have Had It!

In my case, the hemorrhoids usually come out after i finsh using the toilet and it won't go back until I use my hand to push it back

Aside that, I normally stool blood, and the pile was very painful and itchy...

this issue got so bad that blood usually stain my underwear after sitting for too long and I had to stop wearing white underwears

I also stopped going to the hospital when My doctor advised I prepare for surgery and that was when God sent me this herbal powder has a solution


Look I know getting a medication that works is very difficult to find.

This is because there are lots of rubbish out there which after committing to, it either doesn't work, offers temporary relief or makes the one's situation even more worse.

Before I show you the only medication that worked for me after using about 23 different medication that didn't work...


Give a few minutes of your time let me share with you how it all started.


My first semester exams was fast approaching but that wasn’t the problem, I was bright and I still am lol...


So basically, the issue during that period was that stooling was becoming very very hard for me.


I didn't take it very seriously so i went about my business normally.


On a good day, I manage to excrete a little after almost pushing my anus out. 


On a bad day, it comes out with droplets of blood.


I managed the situation till the end of my exam and left for my parent’s house immediately.


Upon getting home, I spoke to my mum who advised visiting a popular pharmacy in Ibadan close to Eleyele round about.


When I got there, I narrated how getting to excrete has become very difficult and they gave me some medications which offered relief.

At this stage, the medications i got were the ones to be swallowed.


Hemorrhoid got worse

One evening, dinner was served; however before i eat, there's a medication i usually take to add weight before going back to school (make e no be like say as everybody dey fat come back me self i no fat)


With the medication being one of those to be taken before meal — so you can eat more and more I think...


...immediately I measured and ran down my throat into my stomach, 10ml of the syrup...


...waited about 7-12 minutes and left for the dining table.


Only half way through my meal I felt a serious urge to excrete, it was extremely serious that I couldn’t hold it. I had to visit the toilet.


So when I was done excreting, I wanted to wash off, dress up as usual and go continue my dinner.




During the process of washing up I noticed like extra flesh around my anus.


It felt awkward so I called my sister and begged her to help me pass my phone.


She was still eating so hence, the begging. Just to convince her to assist me with the phone.


I took pictures of what I noticed and behold they were lumps around my anus.


3 decent sized lumps with traces of blood.

I became very worried and later went to show my mum the picture; her mood went sour.

 My Struggle AND Search for a solution

I used different types of medications including orthodox and herbal as recommended by people my mum talked to for a solution but nothing worked.

Now I had advanced to not just swallowing medications but inserting some in my anus and leaving it melt, applying some of the surface, even heating up some and pouring in a budget and had to sit on the bucket naked.

I tried tablets, capsules, syrup, cream, oil, herbal mixtures etc Nothing worked!


At some point the lumps became so painful that I can’t sit. And I only manage to lie down on my stomach when I want to relax.


In essence, it’s either I am walking, or I am lying down; there was no sitting for me at all due to the pains

Months passed and I was already getting used to series of medications just to ease the pain, enable easy bowel passage and also help me go about my daily life.


In fact, I was already having traces of stomach ulcer at some point because of the consistent use of pain killers

I tried MORE homemade therapies, herbs and traditional medicines… but they only give me slight temporary relief at most

If not for the funds and fear of death, I would have tried the much dreaded surgery.

However, I continued trying my best eating soft foods, high fibre foods, stopped eba and was taking lots of water… but the pain was always there.

I even followed every of the traditional treatments I got back then religiously… even though I was struggling with the hemorrhoids pains and bleeding.

I couldn't serve due to my condition...

As years went by, the condition became worse. I  couldn't live and operate far from home because of my acess to medication. So when it was time to report to NYSC camp in Awgu, Enugu state, i had to forfiet it and stay back at home.

I was devastated.

I gave up on my pile issue.

My doctors couldn’t help.

Traditional medicine did not help.


How I found a solution...

Then call it luck, fate or even “divine intervention”, if you want but finally the breakthrough finally came for me when I came across a specially formulated herbal powder, made from combination of very rare but powerful roots and herbs…

This medication was a recommendation from the friend of my mum's elder sister who happened to be into using natural and safe herbal remedy to people battling with hemorrhoid/pile and they got permanent cure!


I used it, the result was MAGICAL.



I couldn't believe what had happened!


Within a few weeks of using this natural remedy, all my pains were gone, and I upon finishing my second bottle of the medication I was completely healed.


Initially, I thought the pain would come back, as the case with all the mixtures and drugs that I've been using before, but I was amazed at the wonders of this product! 


  • First, the hot sensation/burning was gone
  • The swelling around my anus was gone
  • I can now eat enough food; be it hard or soft and still pass bowel with ease
  • No more itching or traces of blood in my anal region even when I visit the toilet.
  • I started having peace of mind with my body and can now visit the toilet without bothering how to excrete .
  • I could now sit any where I like well without worries because my hemorrhoid was cured permanently!

All thanks to Dr Adams Pile-Zero

 The result of this medication even surprised even my pastor, who has been so concerned about my issue (my mum had spoken to him about it as she feared it could have been a spiritual attack since nothing was working)

He couldn’t help but share my success story with some of our other members who secretly have suffered the same issue for years.

Amongst these people are rich men.

That was how he forced me to get more 110 pieces of this herbal solution.

After helping some of these folks,

I thought I should bring this to the notice of more people;

…so that more and more helpless people can benefit… and stop wasting their money on these ‘hustlers’ solution’ that don’t work.

  • Dr Adams Pile Zero Heals both internal and external hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal prolapse.
  • Dr Adams Pile Zero Detoxifies the inflamed area and stops bleeding, pain and swelling
  • Dr Adams Pile Zero Quickly relieves itching, burning and discomfort
  • Get rid of putrid tissue and promote the growth of new tissue
  • This herbal formula guarantees instant relief, fast healing and prevention.
  • Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care gives amazing results within a few weeks of usage.

Here's what people are saying about this product

Before starting your Dr Adams Pile Zero, my pains were almost unbearable. I could not go for a long walk, as it would get very uncomfortable on the way and I would also get bleeding during my regular bowel movements. I seriously didn’t know what to do about it, but one thing for sure – I didn’t want to go for surgery.

Thanks to your Natural Therapy. I’m now back to jogging (my favourite sport).

- Mr Paulinus from Enugu

I took a chance on the pile-zero for my son who was slowly dieing due to hemorrhoids for 7 good years.

All i can say right now is its one of the best decision i have made in my life. Thank you Dr. Adams

Mrs Florence from ikeja

There are so many rubbish product out there but this one stands out for me

I saw this product online and ordered it for a friend, it cured him of hemorrhoids in just a few weeks.

Abiodun from Osogbo

Before you make a decision...

You may want to be very sure this product works well and it's not another scam.

 It's very possibe you might have been dissapointed in the past and you want to be very sure you are making the right decision this time.

I'm aware of how you feel and i totally understand it.

So I've decided to prove this is NOT another scam by uploading chats of when customers first contacted us for the DR ADAMS PILE ZERO

Just like you, they had doubts but we were able to clear everyone of them.

Let's start with a story of Madam Dorcas.

Kindly read below...


(Our medication guarantees permanent cure for your hemorrhoid no matter how long and chronic it is...)

So after a while, I decided to check up on HER just to make sure she's permanently alright like we promised.

See her response below...

The End.

But that's not all.

Check out Mr Bello's story below.

It doesn't end there...

Kindly play and listen to the phone conversation between a customer and a representative of ours on the medication

 Dr Adams Pile Zero comes in 3 packages

If the issue has been just for a few months or you want to use for prevention, 1 bottle is what you need.


If the issue has been for about 2 years, you'll need up to two bottles


If the issue has been for over 2 years, you'll need more than 3 bottles or more


1 bottle of Dr Adams Pile Zero = 12,500


2 bottles of Dr Adams Pile Zero = 22,500 (best offer)


3 bottles of Dr Adams Pile Zero + 1 free Ulcer Terminator = 34,500

In essence, if you order 3 bottles of  Dr Adams Pile zero, you'll get a free medication for the permanent treatment of Ulcer

Importance notice:

Dr Adams Pile Zero natural solution will only work for you if;


1. You take the Pure Herbal Solution exactly as recommended!


2. And you use it consistently while you also avoid excessive intake of sugar for the time being.

How to order

All you need to do to place your order, is fill the form below. 

After providing your details by filling the form below, kindly click on I WANT THIS MEDICATION button and wait for a few seconds so you'll be redirected to the Thank You Page.

See sample below.

Seeing the page above is a guarantee that your order will be recieved.

Then expect a call or a Whatsapp Message from one of our friendly customer representative, to confirm your order.

In a situation whereby an error ocured and you didn't see the Thank You Page.

This automatically means your order won't be recieved so you're advised to messsage on Whatappp 0901 489 5629 to order.

It's that simple.

Kindly fill the form below to place your order...

I have recently purchased your Dr Adams Pile Zero and it has really helped to reduce the swelling of my hemorrhoids. You are doing an excellent job and it’s good to know there’s someone out there who knows how to solve this embarrassing problem for real.

Esther from Osun

So why buy now?

Dr Adams Pile Zero is very high in demand due to his efficacy in treating all pile challenges and providing permanent cure. So it may only be available for a short period, this is a ''once in a lifetime opportunity!

A lot of people are taking action. And that is why you have to place your orders now!

Direction For Use

...they are two ways of using this medication

Method 1: Put a bag of lipton or top tea inside half glass of warm water. Pour a tea spoon of the PILE ZERO inside the glass of warm water, stir and drink.


Step 1: Get lime or lemon juice of upto 25cl

Step 2: Measure 5 caps or tablespoon of the Pile-Zero and pour into the 25cl of lime/lemon juice

Step 3: Dilute/mix in a container with 1.5 liters of water (3 sachet of pure water)

Step 4: Take 2 shots or 12 tablespoons first thing in the morning (at least 30 minutes before breakfast). Take another two shots at night after food. At least 30 minutes after you must have had your dinner.

What happens if you don't treat it now?

Pile causes so many other illnesses in your body so treating pile completely from your system will help your overall health.

Here are the disadvantages of pile to your health...

Pile can make you have weak erection
Pile can make you have chronic back ache
Pile can make you have Anus protruded
Pile can make you have quick ejaculation
Pile can make you fart alot.
Pile can make you have intestinal movements
Pile can make you have stomach disturbance
Pile can make you have scanty menstruation
Pile can contribute to diabetes
Pile can contribute to high sugar level
Pile can make you bleed while stooling
Pile can make you less of physical fitness

Honestly, it will be in your best interest to destroy HEMORRHOIDS completely from your system with Dr Adams Pile Zero

You can also message  09014895629 on Whatsapp with the details below to own a package of this medication.

Full name:

Phone Number:

Alternative phone Number:

Delivery Address:

Package and price: 1 pack, 12,500

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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All testimonials in this advertisement are from real people. In order to protect the privacy of some of our customers, their name and picture has been changed in the advertisement.  In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the testimonials and customer letters we have received are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. 

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