I was 55 then When My Prostate enlargement Problem was confirmed in a medical center in Yaba, Lagos.

Now I am 64 and I Can Say That ''Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care" Is the only medication that has worked for me after 9 years of battling this prostate problem.

After Using this herbal powder, my enlarged prostate gland has shrincked.

I confirmed by running a medical test which showed My PSA size has reduced. 

Aside that: I can now completely empty my bladder without pains, My frequent urination has stopped, and I also noticed improved £rection for better fun with my partner.

"Hundreds of Prostate victims who were living a life of agonizing pains are now enjoying pain-free life once again - thanks to the New Herbal Prostate Ultra Care, says its discoverer, Dr. Adams.

Listen to what this Pastor has to say about the medication while using it...

Everyone will keep telling you that their product works and those bla bla bla…. 

but they only make you feel better for a while. Next thing, the pains are back again.

That's bad!

In fact, I fell for almost all of them without any PERMANENT result.

Want To know A Secret?

Sit down, and take a bottle of your favorite drink while I unveil this SECRET that will change your frequent urination and Prostate problem story forever.

I'm writing this from my heart, and I have tears of joy rolling because I never knew I could live a normal life again, by waking up just once at night, being able to completely empty my bladder, enjoying free flow of urine and being able to have proper £rection and perform again like a 25 year old.

So, it will be at your own benefit if you read every line to the last to see how I got healed from my enlarged prostate problem completely.

How It All Started...

It was exactly 10:45 PM; the night of 55th birthday. I felt a strong urge to go and urinate but I decided to hold it for a while.  After about 10 minutes, I noticed my short was getting wet; the urine was dropping so I rushed to the toilet and tried to urinate properly...

…While I was in the toilet, the urine wasn’t coming out the way it should.

I decided to apply force so the urine can come out but felt a really sharp pain. I stopped and tried again and this time, the pain increased and I felt in my lower abdomen. 

"Again???" I shouted!

After spending over #50,000 in the last medication, I bought online. I thought the battle was over. Then, it came back more than it has always been.

At least, it was just frequent urination before, but the pains I am now experiencing is terrible.

Here's the truth;

I've spent over One Million Naira trying to treat my Enlarged prostate problem. It started with only frequent urination which I noticed when I was 46 years. As at then, i thought it was nothing. 

I remembered my wife was talking to me about my frequent urination being abnormal; I replied her it’s because I drink too much water and that it’s nothing serious. 

After 3 years, the frequent urination increased, but what took me to the hospital was that my £rection became very weak. I couldn’t even perform again for one minute.

The hospital I went to ran a test which confirmed I was suffering enlarged prostate. The result showed my PSA was 108 and According to the doctor, I am very lucky it’s not even cancerous. He added that  if I am not careful and do something about it very fast, it very likely it will become cancerous.

My World came crashing down.

It was then I started trying several doctors, herbalists, and even my siblings flew me abroad, but I didn't get any lasting solution because I don’t want to do surgery.

My wife was gradually getting tired of me… Don't blame her! She had really tried

Every night, I’d hope I don’t feel the urge to urinate. At some point, I'd be begging God to let me see the next day.

In the morning, I'd beg to survive the pains again and hope the dropping of urine doesn’t disgrace me at work.

I hated drinking water or taking anything liquid  because if I do, I’d feel the urge to urinate and urinating was hell for me…

This was because the urine won’t come out on time and when I try to force it, the pains are unbearable.

Even when my lovely wife prepared my favorite foods, I'd take little or nothing because taking too much would make me thirsty and I don’t want to drink water.

Deep down, I wanted to take my life.

On 29th August 2020, I booked a session with a specialist doctor in Abuja.

My wife and I traveled from Lagos to Abuja,

Because I was traveling far from home, I tore part of my towel, and wrapped it around my Private part. Just Incase of any leakage, the towel will absorb it and  prevent the urine from showing on my trouser.

When we got to the hospital in Abuja, it was our turn to see the doctor...after much examinations and interrogations


"Mr man, I don't think you can get a complete cure for this your prostate issue. You have prostate enlargement, and all you can do is

manage it and use CATHETER because you can't find a complete cure.

I have seen your type before, and they didn't really survive it.

...the doctor told me"

I couldn't be a man anymore, so I bent my head, and tears dropped.

I openly saw my death!

I was willing to spend anything to get healed, and this doctor wasn't even giving any hope.

So, he prescribed some medications to help control the rate at which I frequent the toilet.

I paid #52,000 for consultation and the medications he prescribed.

2 months passed, I wasn't feeling any better. 

At this point, I just wanted death to come so I could end the agonizing discomfort and pains.

My wife was telling people about my condition, hoping to get help and suggestions.

One evening, she came back and told me about a herbalist that specializes in prostate treatment. People recommended this herbalist, saying he was so good in his works. We prepared and met him one Saturday morning.

After narrating my story, he laughed and said it was nothing. He was assuring us that he had healed even more severe cases, and the victims became free.

I felt joy! For the first time in many months, I laughed.

We paid #47,000 and collected his medication. was feeling better until after two weeks; 

Because I was feeling confident due to the improvement I was seeing, I decided to eat well and drink water normally.

Then Things went bad!

That night I couldn’t sleep. I went to toilet over 20 times…

and all the pains came back like they had been waiting for me.

At this point, I got tired of life completely. I couldn't believe that my life would be full of pains till the day I die.

Did I offend anyone? 

Could this be a spell or punishment from God? 

I kept asking myself.

All the medications we were buying online were not really working; then I decided not to buy anything.

It's either the sleepless night and discomfort during the day because of frequent urination and pains kill me or leave me one day.

Introducing The New Herbal Prostate Ultra Care That Shrinked my enlarged prostate, Stopped my frequent urination, Ensured I was able to urinate freely without pains, and Gave me an Improved £rection.

We decided to meet another doctor this time, all thanks to my lovely wife.

She had met someone who directed us to Doctor Christopher - another prostate specialist.

We met this very honest doctor who revealed everything to my wife and I.

In his words... "Don't you know that healing you completely means no money in the pockets of hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies” 

I didn't understand him well. So, he continued, "If we heal you completely today, will you still visit any hospital again for Prostate issues?"


I didn't think twice; I hurriedly said "No, Doctor."

"That's why you'll hardly find a doctor that will heal you."


He laid back to his rotating chair and continued.

"You see, there is something patients and victims don't understand, and that's one of the secret codes in this health industry. But I'll tell you."

"If we heal everyone that visits us immediately, and completely, at a point, we'll not have patients to treat or who buy pharmaceutical drugs from our big companies.

"That's why you may hardly get a complete treatment. But I can see you've really suffered from this frequent urination and Prostate enlargement problem.

He opened his small laptop bag and brought out a powdered substance in a gallon.

He continued - "I will give you this Prostate Ultra Care, just take it and go.

"When you get ho3me, Put a tablespoon inside half a glass of water, stir very well and drink. 

You can also prepare the herbs with little quantity of lemon juice because your case is more than 2 years now. It shrinks the prostate gland faster. And Another benefit of this is to prevent kidney stones that might have been building up because you have not been drinking water the way you should.

Here's my card, call me after 20 days of consistently using as prescribed to tell me how you feel."

I was looking at him with my mouth wide open because I was expecting him to prescribe orthodox medications.

He looked at my wife and I and said to us-"I want your family to be happy again by shrinking the prostate gland itself so all these frequent urination, pains while urinating, incomplete bladder emptying and £rectile dysfunction that torment your husband will stop permanently. 

This is against the doctors' code, but I'm risking my job just to restore happiness and pain-free life in you. I brought this for my elder brother who is already showing early signs. He’s still at the frequent urination stage right now and now is best I help him handle it once and for all. Because he’s yet to come, you can  have it. I'll get him another one."

I was shocked but thanked him, and we left.

Fast forward to the 20th day, which was about 3 weeks on the medication, The first thing I noticed was that my frequent urination reduced drastically. From waking up over 9 times at night to urinate, I started waking up just 1 time and maximum of 2 times. All the pains were also gone, but I was skeptical. 

I didn't want to have the frequent urination and pains back when I eat properly and drink water.

After the 4th week of using the medication , I was still waiting for the usual frequent and pains to start again but that didn't happen. 

It was weekend, so that evening My wife prepared my favorite food; she suggested I eat well and drink water properly,

Guess what? 

Even after several hours after eating Afang soup with assorted and a full plate of Akpu, I still slept well. 

In fact, I didn’t wake up until few minutes past 7am.

I was paying attention to my body and getting ready when I slept off. When I woke up and saw the time, I was shocked.

The frequent urination, pains, and other discomforts were all gone.


I called him, and couldn't thank him enough.

We became friends, and I said to myself - since I could get healed even after 9 years of suffering this prostate problem, why allow other people like you to continue in these frequent urination, pains and discomforts. Not forgetting the erectile issues too.

Trust me, I've been there, and I can say that you don't have to continue in such pains when you have A PROVEN AND NEW HERBAL MEDICATION THAT SHRINKS ENLARGED PROSTATE PERMANENTLY.

But There Is BAD NEWS,

I'm not sure this product will be available forever, so you have to get it now while it's still available.

See What our customers are saying:

Mr. Babatunde Abayomi

During the early stages of my prostate problem, I tried almost all remedies I saw online but none worked.

I can remember on a Sunday afternoon in 2018, I vowed never to buy any medication online.

But then, the ones I got from pharmacies and hospitals as recommended by different doctors didn't permanently end my prostate problem. Anytime I stop the medication, it comes back even worse.

I often laugh off and ignore every advert on prostate but when I saw your product in January, my spirit just directed me to give it a trial.

As I speak to you today, I am prostate enlargement free after just 2 bottles of this medication. Dr Adams, I am really grateful to God for bringing you my way after all these years.

Mr. Emmanuel

This is my sixth week of taking the Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care herbal powder as being directed by you.

My frequent urination is gone.
Sound sleep in the night is what I am enjoying now and the Pain after urination is no more.

I so much appreciate you for this product
God bless you Sir

Mr Mark

When i first came across your product, I thought it was once of those rubbish online and that's why i neglected your advice to buy two bottle and bought one.

I want to apologise for not trusting although you won't blame.

But the good news, your medication is the best thing that's happened. After over 11 years, I now wake up with erection every morning.

Thank you very much sir.

How much is it?...

 Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care Comes in 2 bottles FOR A PERMANENT CURE.

Normal Price: ₦37,500

Bonus Price For Today: ₦28,000

The medication is in powdered form and the 2 bottles you'll be getting will last for at least 2 Months.

Based on our experience, it's 100% guaranteed that before you finish the medication, the enlarged prostate problem will be gone completely.

Before you make a decision...

You may want to be very sure this product works well and it's not another scam.

 It's very possible you might have been disappointed in the past and you want to be very sure you are making the right decision this time.

I'm aware of how you feel and i totally understand it.

So I've decided to prove this is NOT another scam by uploading chats of when customers first contacted us to ORDER the DR ADAMS PROSTATE ULTRA CARE

Just like you, they had doubts but we were able to clear everyone of them.

Let's start with a story of MR BROWN.

This man ordered by filling a form on this website, his order was received and processed.

See the order below...

After the order was recieved, it was processed and delivered him...

...After which he contacted us on WhatsApp for DETAILED USAGE INSTRUCTIONS

Kindly read below...

Check the date on the previous screenshot, he started using it in May.

Now, After using it as prescribed which lasted a few months, he decided to reach out again.

His message came this morning.

Kindly read below.

He initially contacted us for his friend

But that's because what we gave him worked. 

To be sure, our agent asked about his health and below is his response

The End.

But that's not all.

Here's another story of Mr. Steve

Let me brief about this man.

After he initially ordered via our website I remember calling him to talk to him about his health.

At the end of our discussion i advised him to go for 2 bottles because that's what he'll need to permanently end his prostate problem but he refused and said he wants to be sure this medication really works so he's going to start with one.

I understood his fear. He has been disappointed in the past so he's being very careful.

So I said to him; NO PROBLEM SIR. You can start with one bottle.

See his first below...

Now, after using and confirming the effectiveness, he decided to reach out to me for another bottle. This time he reached out via WhatsApp.

The reason for this is because there's only one issue left. And this issue was taken care off after using the second bottle of the Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care

Read below to find out yourself...

Hope you saw where he mentioned the only problem he was having...

Now keep reading to see what he has to say after using the second bottle he ordered.

Hope you saw where he mention every symptom has disappeared including erectile dysfunction

This is to let you know that what we offer at Dr Adams Herbals works and all you have to do to get permanently cured is get the recommended package and use as prescribed. 

You won't be disappointed.

The End.


(Our medication guarantees permanent cure for your PROSTATE CHALLENGE no matter how long and chronic it is... and this can be confirmed by medical test after using the medication)

You just have to do two things to get result.

1. Order the recommended package for you... which is 2 bottles for prostate challenge that has lasted for more than a year.

2. After ordering, KINDLY make sure you contact our agent via WhatsApp or direct phone call for proper usage guidelines and ensure you use the product as prescribed.

How Can I Get This Product?

it's very easy...

All you need to do to place your order, is fill the form below. 

After providing your details by filling the form below, kindly click on SUBMIT... & PROCESS MY ORDER button and wait for a few seconds so you'll be redirected to the Thank You Page.

Here's what you'll notice when you start using the Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care

  • In your first 3-7 days of using this product, your frequent urination will stop
    This is because the medication will help you completely empty your bladder once and for all... So you won't have to visit the toilet multiple times to urinate either at night or during the day.

  • The Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care works by shrinking your enlarged prostate back to it's normal size so there will be no obstruction in your urethra. This will in turn help you pass out urine without having to force it out. In essence, this will in turn help you urinate without pains or blood.

  • This natural herbal powder will also help correct the issue of ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION and help you improve your sexual performance so you can satisfy your partner.
  • Let me not say much about this...

See prove of individuals who have used the medication below...

For those of you who want to know if this herb will shrink or reduce your PSA, listen to the voice message below...

See What More People Are Saying About Our Solution...

Fill The Form Below To Place Your Order.

Carefully read the conversation below that came in TODAY...

Fill The Form Below To Place Your Order.


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If your frequent don't stop, or your erection don't improve within 2weeks of using the Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care as prescribed.  just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.


Dr. Adams.

Frequently Asked Questions

So why buy now?

Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care is very high in demand due to his efficacy in treating all prostate challenges and providing permanent cure.

So it may only be available for a short period, this is a ''once in a lifetime opportunity!

A lot of people are taking action. And that is why you have to place your orders now!

How Do Use The Medication?

They are 2 different method you can use this medication for best result.

Method 1: (This method is recommended for those who want to use this medication as a preventive measure and those whose prostate are not very severe)

Pour one tablespoon of the Dr Adams Prostate Care Herbal powder inside half a glass of ordinary water; stir well and drink.

This should be done before food in the morning and after food at night.

Method 2
this method is recommended for severe prostate challenges above 2 years.

(Even if you have been nursing this prostate challenge for over 20 years, the strategy below will work for you...)

Step 1: Get lime or lemon juice of upto 25cl

Step 2: Measure 5 caps or tablespoon of the PROSTATE ULTRA CARE and pour into the 25cl of lime/lemon juice

Step 3: Dilute/mix in a container with 1.5 liters of water (3 sachet of pure water)

Step 4: Take two shots first thing in the morning (at least 30 minutes before breakfast). Take another two shots at night after food. At least 30 minutes after you must have had your dinner.

I don't understand the usage, what do I do?

Kindly Message Us on WhatsApp for voice message on how to prepare and use the for best result.

WhatsApp contact: 

How am sure this one will work?

The Dr Adams Prostate Ultra Care is made for the permanent treatment of prostate enlargement and other related prostate challenges.

This herbal powder is extremely effective when used as prescribed.

As long as  the issue is prostate related, this herbal solution will definitely cure it permanently.

I have Ulcer, Can I still use it?


The medication can still be used regardless of your ulcer or any any other health challenges you may have.

However, kindly give us a call after receiving  the medication for some important information concerning how to use it if you  have ulcer.

Can I Pay On Delivery?


It's advisable you pay for this medication after our agent has delivered to you at your preferred location.